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The Concept of Balance in Ayurveda: A Definitive Guide for the Lay Person

Understanding the Concept of Balance in Ayurveda

As a centuries-old tradition of holistic health and wellness, Ayurveda has come a long way on the world map. Millions of people all across the world have been embracing this holistic medicine system to avert various ailments and stay healthy.

Ayurveda works by working on the root cause of the ailment. In the Ayurveda system, it is believed that this universe is made up of five basic elements (Panch Mahabhutas) – Space (Akasha), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jal) and Earth (Prithvi). Ayurveda emphasises the value of keeping these elements in perfect balance for a healthy mind and body. It further has categorized body constitutions or doshas into three main types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha (more about each of these later). While typically one or two of these doshas will be dominant for all of us, the goal as per Ayurveda is to keep these doshas in balance.

Ayurvedic principles postulate that if we are facing symptoms of an illness or disease, a dosha is in a heightened state or in other words, out of balance. The Ayurvedic approach to healing is to combat the elevation—often by counteracting it—to bring the corresponding dosha into balance. 

Since the major purpose in Ayurveda is to keep the doshas into balance, it advocates every aspect of our living that can be a way for achieving that, including the practice of yoga. Our diet, sleeping pattern, and almost every aspect of our lifestyle, including the practice of yoga, can be shaped by the principles of Ayurveda.

For instance, during the summer season when the weather is extremely hot, what do we do? We react to that heat by taking a cold shower, sipping cold water, relaxing in the shade, swimming, or spending more time in an air conditioned setting. If it is rainy and cold outside and we are experiencing some symptomatic responses, we tend to counter them by staying warm and dry, maybe by drinking hot herbal teas or wearing warmer clothes.

Ayurveda takes this basic understanding of balance much further, by helping you understand what elements have what energetic effect on you and your body. Using this understanding, you can have a better shot at retaining doshic balance.

Dosha Profiles

There are three types of doshas – Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. You can understand them as personality types or body constitutions. None of the doshas are inherently bad or good. The objective is to maintain your doshic balance, that is, your own unique mix of these three doshas that are your body's natural state. When they’re not in balance, they tend to cause health issues.

Pitta (Constitutive Elements: Fire+Water)

Pitta dosha signifies the qualities of metabolism and transformation. Very simply understood, it is the fire in your belly, it is the digestive fire that leads to transformation of the food or elements you digest. This affects digestion and work in daily life. Pitta is known to elevate the primordial “element” known as Fire and networks with Kapha to give rise to Water.

When balanced, Pitta promotes satisfaction, strong digestion, better vision (light from fire), acute intellect (in-sight), and fresh-feeling skin. When imbalanced, Pitta can make people become irritated, red-faced and hot-headed. Pitta resides primarily in the small intestine and secondarily in the sweat, blood, and eyes. Pitta is hot (pungent), somewhat oily, strident, liquid, sour, and possessed of movement and vitality.

 Effects of Balance 
Effects of Imbalance
Sharp Intellect Hot temper, irritation
Excellent appetite
Acidity, heartburn
Better digestion
Stable temperature
Fever, hot flashes
Discerning Vision – inner/outer  
Eye/ Vision troubles
Shining complexion    
Flushes, bald, gray
Critical, irritable


How to balance Pitta?

  • Herbal teas like Chamomile Green Tea, Mint Peppermint Tea, Himayalan Mint Green Tea, Ayurvedic Boost Tea Bags are quite powerful in balancing pitta.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Prefer freshly prepared food
  • Favor ghee in cooking
  • Avoid chili peppers, alcohol, vinegar, tobacco, caffeinated beverages, and chocolate
  • Practice meditation
  • Sleep early
  • Take time for play, especially with children
  • Don’t overstress
  • Avoid mid-day sun
  • Don’t strain the eyes with a computer or TV

Vata (Constitutive Elements: Air + Ether)

Vata dosha exhibits the abstract quality of drive, or movement. This relates to breath, circulation, mental action, movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of joints, etc. Vata elevates the primordial “elements” such as Space and Air. By virtue of its mobile nature, Vata is integrally unbalanced. Since it is more likely to go out of balance than other doshas - Pitta or Kapha, at some point almost everyone, irrespective of the constitution, will come across the need to balance Vata.

Effects of Balance
Effects of Imbalance
Mental attentiveness 
Anxiety, impatience
Headaches, exhaustion
Usual elimination 
Easy, normal respiration 
Asthma/ Breathing issues
Good circulation  
Normal tissue formation   
Dry skin, arthritis, osteoporosis
Good sleep 
Sleeplessness/ Insomnia


How to balance Vata?

  • Sleep on time
  • Follow a fixed daily routine
  • Take warm, freshly-prepared food
  • Prefer warm beverages like teas
  • Cook with moderate amounts of sesame oil, olive oil, and coconut oil
  • Practice pranayama
  • Start taking Ayurvedic teas like Cardamom Green Tea, and Himalayan Ginger Green Tea
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and chocolate

Kapha (Constitutive Elements: Earth + Water)

Kapha dosha signifies the abstract property of structure. It elevates the primal “element” known as Earth and associates with Pitta to increase the Water element. When balanced, Kapha calms the mind and body in varying situations. It tends to promote strength, power, and fertility. It nurtures love, bravery, kindness, and other highly-valued emotions.

Effects of Balance
Effects of Imbalance
Steadiness, firmness
Slow digestion
Vigor Depression
Overweight, diabetes
Respiratory trouble



How to balance Kapha dosha?

  • Awake before 6 AM and take the biggest meal of the day at noon
  • Avoid foods and drinks that promote heaviness such as garlic, peanuts, mushrooms, and fermented items
  • Take raw honey in moderation to balance Kapha
  • Use herbal teas like Himalayan Ginger Green Tea, Moringa Tulsi Green Tea, and Seasonal Immunity Blend, etc.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Pungent spices like chili, cayenne, and ginger are found to be effective in balancing Kapha dosha. 



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